Donations home in many epochs...

Would you like to support us?

We are constantly on the lookout for new Swiss Army material.

Whether uniform, rucksack, old army crates, vehicles, etc.

It doesn’t matter from which time the material originates.

If you have something that you would like to give away, please contact us.
We are also happy to pay you something for the items. As our financial means are limited, we cannot accept every offer.
The articles will not be resold, but will be given to our active members for use.

Many things are simply thrown away. This is a pity, because behind everything there is a very interesting story.
Write to us at or use the contact form.

Thank you very much, we will be happy to get in touch with you.

Would you like to support us financially? We would be very happy about that!


Verein „Schweizer Armeefreunde“ (CHAF)
Trottenweg 4
5323 Rietheim

Association account
IBAN CH03 8070 1000 0050 8897 6
Konto-Nr. 50889.76
Clearing Nr. (BCN): 80701
Raiffeisenbank Aare-Rhein


Thank you for your support!

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